
My Last Mission Email (:

Hello for the last time from the mission field! I want to share with you some of my thoughts before I get on the plane and head home. Thanks for everything, your support, love, and prayers. For those of you still out, keep doing work, it's the greatest work we'll ever do. Coming down to the last few days of my mission, I've been thinking a lot about my feelings and a good way to describe the mission experience. What I've realized is that it's impossible to describe a mission, but rather, it's the moments.  It's preparing for your whole life to serve. It's finally sending in your papers. It's anticipating your call for a few weeks. It's opening that call signed by the prophet with your family and friends, and having that confirmation that this is the place you need to go. It's the time before the MTC that feels like it will never end. Then all at once, it's hugging your parents, they go one way, and you go the other- into the bigg

Table of Things I Studied in Depth this Semester

Table of Findings Joshua 24:15 Choose Ye This Day whom ye will serve As we examine who we serve, our desire to reach out to those around us will grow 2 Nephi 2:11 Opposition in all things As we attempt to bring forth good fruit through our actions, Satan will oppose us with things that look more tempting D&C 4:2 As we serve with all our heart, might, mind, and strength, our love for God grows Linda K. Burton, April 2015 General Conference What if their story were my story? Finding sympathy with other’s situations helps us to be in the right mindset to help our fellow men Mosiah 2:17 As we serve others, our love for God increases Max C. Caldwell, Sacred Truths of the Book of Mormon When we relate every circumstance to our love for Christ, we should be able to follow through with the best possible course of action every time Matthew 25:45 Even if our service is done unto the least, God notices and will reward us. 2 Nephi 2:3

Service Opportunities

I had the chance to offer service this semester as an effort to better my community and to better the character traits I've been trying to instill in myself. Here is a review of my experiences. The Lessons Learned For my service opportunities this semester, I was able to volunteer with Kids on the Move for 10 hours. As I first heard at the beginning of this semester that I would be required to have service hours for another class as well as this class, I have to admit that I was quite irritated. I was working full-time, attending school full-time, and I had a girlfriend who I loved spending time with on top of everything else I had to do at home. I asked myself nearly every day; how am I going to fit this into my schedule? I began to find the meaning of the scripture 2 Nephi 2:11, and there sure was an opposition in all things. Every time I asked myself the question, I found myself boiling up inside and feeling that I couldn’t handle it with my schedule and that it was unfair

Museum of Art

Over the weekend, I went and visited the Museum of Art and was able to see all 42 paintings on the Book of Mormon by Teichert. I was grateful for this opportunity to see the paintings. I saw them just a short time ago, but didn’t have the time for in-depth analysis at that point. Teichert was born in 1888 in Ogden, as the granddaughter of pioneers. She enjoyed art and studied it her whole life. Over the course of just 2 years, Teichert was able to paint 42 murals on the Book of Mormon, later donating them to BYU, which is how they were obtained. One of the paintings I chose was the painting of Abinadi standing before King Noah. This reminds me of an important theme from the Book of Mormon. The painting shows the upright stature of Abinadi, his unfearing demeanor. The theme in the Book of Mormon related to this picture is standing as a witness of God at all times. If there is one example that truly exemplifies standing as a witness of God, it is Abinadi. Abinadi was not fearful of w

Religion in Today's Government

I had to write a report on Religion in our Government today and thought I would share a few thoughts from that report. Essential in each of our lives’ today is a form of belief. This can be based upon any certain principles, and mustn’t be the same as a neighbor, brother, parent, or friend. This can come as well in the form of unbelief. But the desire of the human heart is to have something to turn to, and what better than a set of beliefs? How then, do we as people, use those beliefs in the way we govern ourselves? Is it fair to use those beliefs against others, because they aren’t the same views? How does one come to a compromise? In agreement with Hatzenbuehler and the ideas of Jefferson and Lincoln, religion should play a personal role in each of our lives and is for each of us to decide personally between us and God, leaving it as an unnecessary evil for a government to take a role in personal beliefs, choosing a set of beliefs at the expense of others. Religion should not play

Charity Quotes

"Perhaps the greatest charity comes when we are kind to each other, when we don't judge or categorize someone else, when we simply give each other the benefit of the doubt or remain quiet. Charity is accepting someone's differences, weaknesses, and shortcomings; having patience with someone who has let us down; or resisting the impulse to become offended when someone doesn't handle something the way we might have hoped. Charity is refusing to take advantage of another's weakness and being willing to forgive someone who has hurt us. Charity is expecting the best of each other. None of us need one more person bashing or pointing out where we have failed or fallen short. Most of us are already well aware of the areas in which we are weak. What each of us does need is family, friends, employers, and brothers and sisters who support us, who have the patience to teach us, who believe in us, and who believe we're trying to do the best we can, in spite of our weakne

The Atonement

As used in the scriptures, the word Atonement is defined as “the reconciliation of one’s self to God.” (Bible Dictionary, Atonement ).  The Atonement was the single greatest act in human history, but not only was it an act in history performed by the Savior, it is an act that will exist and extend to all human history, in all different worlds. He was foreordained as the Savior of the world to perform the Atonement to save all mankind. I have chosen to examine His foreordination and His sinless life He led leading up to the Atonement. I hope to share some of my feelings and do this sweet topic justice, as it means so much to me. The Guide to the Scriptures defines foreordination as, “ God’s premortal ordination of his valiant spirit children to fulfill certain missions during their mortal lives.” Christ was foreordained as the Savior of the world in the great council of heaven. In Abraham 3, we learn of the foreordination. The idea of God was that we would each come to earth to be pr